5 UMMA Objects
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Photograph of a young woman climbing up a hill carrying two large buckets supported by a plank of wood.
André Kertész (American (North American))
Heavy Burden
Gift of Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Strauss
Mountain landscape with trees and houses. A hermit-like figure is sitting in the pavilion by the water.
Okada Beisanjin
Mountain Landscape with Pagoda at Water's Edge
1867 – 1932
Gift of the Estate of Betty I. Monroe, PhD
Black and white image of a mountain scene over water on a gold support with brown flowers. 
Takashima Hokkai
1851 – 1931
Gift of Hebe Lutz in honor of her parents, Jake William Hearn, MD, Lt. Colonel US Army, and Juanita Wells Hearn
Gold cloth scroll with an image of a mountain landscape with villagers on a body of water.
Kinoshita Itsuun
Landscape Mountains with Trees and Pagodas
1833 – 1866
Gift of the Estate of Betty I. Monroe, PhD
Gold cloth background with image of a mountain landscape and two figures in a boat on a body of water.
Okada Beisanjin
1867 – 1932
Gift of the Estate of Betty I. Monroe, PhD